

Table of contents
1 Entity Description
2 Keyvalues
3 Inputs
4 Outputs
5 See Also

Entity Description

The env_fog_controller entity controls fogging in a level. This has both aesthetic and functional purpose. Functionally, by adding fog to a level, you can hide a far clip plane, and reduce the amount of rendered geometry, improving game performance.
 Note: Only the first instance of the env_fog_controller entity in a level will be used. It is pointless to place multiple env_fog_controller entities in a map!


<target_source> The name that other entities refer to this entity by.
<b>> This entity's angular orientation in the world (also used for angular effect entities).
<choices> Minimum DX Level
Literal Value Description
0 default (lowest)
70 dx7
<choices> Maximum DX Level
Literal Value Description
0 default (lowest)
60 dx6
<vector> A vector (given by three space-separated numbers X Y Z) which points from the secondary fog color fogcolor2 towards the primary fog color fogcolor.
<float> How far from the point-of-view the fog should start.
<float> How far from the point-of-view the view should be completely fogged.
<integer> This is the distance from the point-of-view that the level geometry should stop being drawn at. This can be used to control engine performance.
<boolean> This will enable blending between two fog colors, based on the direction the player is looking. If the player's viewpoint is equal to the fogdir vector, the fog will be drawn with the secondary color; if facing in the complete opposite direction, the fog will be drawn with the primary color.
This can be used to approximate the aesthetic effect of diffuse light filtering through the fog, but since the fog effect color is changed for the entire rendered scene, it is best to keep the two colors relatively close to make the blending less obvious.
For example, sunlight with a yaw of 45 degrees and a pitch of -45 degrees could be enhanced using a fogdir of '-1 -1 1', a fogcolor of '120 110 100' and a fogcolor2 of '80 70 60'.
<float> Interpolate time


Removes this entity from the world.
Removes this entity and all its children from the world.
Evaluates a keyvalue/output on this entity. It can be potentially very dangerous, use with care.
Format: <key> <value>
Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>
Causes this entity's OnUser1-4 outputs to be fired. See User Inputs and Outputs.
Set the fog start distance.
Set the fog end distance.
Turn the fog on.
Turn the fog off.
Set the primary fog color.
Set the secondary fog color.
Set the far clip plane distance.
Set the angles to use for the secondary fog direction.
Set the primary fog color.
Set the secondary fog color.
Set the fog start distance.
Set the fog end distance.
Start fog transition.


Fired in response to FireUser1-4 inputs. See User Inputs and Outputs. !activator = activator

See Also

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